HR automation

Best way to do HR automation process in 2023


When it comes to human resource management, makes up an integral part of your business. Even in the widely enriched technology era, we are managing these HR operations on a manual basis. Although there isn’t any harm in doing so, it keeps them monotonous which can open up areas for mistakes that can gradually impact your business growth. Utilizing modern AI and ML technologies, automation in HR will enhance efficiency and improve employee satisfaction as they’ll be assessed by software, instead of another person.

According to the latest research, around 68% of organizations using the HR automation process in onboarding and hiring processes have observed a significant improvement in their performance.

What is HR automation?

Most organizations lack smoothness and can’t keep track of the productivity of HR departments. To resolve this issue, a process of improving efficiency is employed, saving your HR team from repeated manual tasks like data entry, reminder emails, etc. so that they can focus on more impactful tasks involving strategic planning and decision-making in the form of an HR automation system.

By automation, the HR team can perform data collection, creation, and updating, as well as streamline other HR activities for employees. This ensures that the organizations become more efficient, governed by regulations, and productive.

Benefits of HR Process Automation

If you are wondering what possible advantage can your organization get by employing automated human resources. Here are some of the reasons:

  • More fair and unbiased opportunities across all departments
  • Saving more time and delivering productivity
  • Decreasing extra expenses
  • Opportunities to enhance employee experience
  • Turning casual data into actionable insights
  • Minimizing errors
  • Increasing security
  • Enabling HR to concentrate on strategic tasks
  • Assure compliance
  • Enhance communication

5 Best Ways to do Automation in HR

Now that you know the advantages of HR automation, the following are the major areas where you need to automate your human resources processes:


The first and most important task that is managed by HR teams is payroll processing which is often performed manually. This is a laborious procedure that frequently takes days, sometimes weeks which is more likely to result in mistakes. On the other hand, automating your payroll with the software will produce the following results:

Minimize errors of manually documenting working hours or time-off requests, eliminating over or underpaying your staff.

Automate calculating taxes, deductions, overtime, and commissions to pay your workforce the exact amount on time.

Attendance Management

Every firm has to monitor the attendance and working hours of its employees in every department, falling into an integral responsibility of human resources. Although most organizations perform manual timekeeping and attendance tracking, these methods are inefficient and leave room for errors.

HR can monitor, track, and automatically record employee working hours and attendance information thanks to modern attendance tracking technologies. The process can be simplified and made hassle-free with this system. The data will be collected using this system and prepared for payroll. HR automation makes work in this area more efficient and error-free by removing physical paperwork.


Your HR department is already juggling multiple jobs and obligations. In contrast, manually sending notifications and reminders to make sure that each work is finished can be tiresome and annoying.

Automatic email notifications from HR software can be sent to the HR staff and the relevant employees to notify them of forthcoming deadlines, performance evaluations, new hires, and other events. This will save HR managers from chasing down workers to complete actions and reduce the likelihood that the entire team would forget crucial dates and assignments.

By ensuring that important actions are completed when they are needed, automation in this scenario promotes communication, saves time, and helps with compliance.


One of the most important tasks of HR managers is hiring new staff. They entail a tone of significant paperwork and obligations.

You deal with a lot of documentation when onboarding and hiring are manual and paper-based processes. The fact that records are frequently shared between different people and lengthen the recruiting process is one of several issues that could arise.

Because the records are on a computer system, allowing visibility between departments, reducing human error, and limiting paperwork loss, automation of HR processes can enhance the sustainability experience.

Performance Evaluation

One of the most important yet repetitive tasks for HR teams is performance evaluations, determining whether employees were competent in their roles which are held annually. Today, it’s a dynamic process that assesses employee performance frequently while coordinating it with your organization’s long and short-term goals.

If you use an HR automation system, even while the frequency is rising, the work required to analyse employee performance falls. Without your direct involvement, you may discover, gauge, and offer suggestions to improve staff performance using automated tools.

Real-time feedback for efficient staff development, the identification of training and development needs, and actionable insights into ineffective behaviors are further benefits of automating employee performance.

Integrating HR Automation with Atxenon

When comes to HR automation, helps organizations in two dynamics. Initially, it helps the HR team to save time and improve productivity by systematizing their decisions and actions. Secondly, it also affects the employees by offering them a smooth experience through unbiased performance evaluation and regularized completion of tasks.

If you are looking to integrate HR automation within your organization for better and easier management then try Atxenon. Our HR automation services can simplify your day-to-day responsibilities by easily automating their tasks so that they can focus on more crucial issues. As a result, you will reap the rewards of having data and processes that are synchronized in every way.

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